Chibikki's Commission Sheet

Hello, Welcome to my commission sheet, Here I put all the details regarding my commission pricing, term of service, and requirement

Drawing Commission

Semi pixel or non pixel drawing, Simple Background
Base price
60 USD
+20 USD

Pixel art loop animation

160x160px or 180x240 loop animation (12 frames, up to 3 loops) no complex BG
I usually do digital/vaporwave background or flat color
Base Price 160x160
120 USD
Base Price 180x240
140 USD

Big canvas loop animation (Unavailable)

378x270 (Portrait or Landscape) loop animation (12 frames, up to 3 loops)
Base Price
160 USD
Additional Background
+40 USD

Pixel Vtuber Model

Rigging will be done by @Nekouhai98 at twitter
Base Price (Base 4 Expressions)
1400 USD
Additional feature and expressions
@+70 USD

Term and Condition

Avatar OK
Stream asset OK
Commercial use discuss first
NFT Minting is not allowed
I prefer drawing: Cute girl, Vaporwave theme, Menhera theme
I don't do: Furry, Elderly, Gore
Payment Via Paypal Invoice


Before you order, have these ready:
-Character Reference Sheet
-What kind of work you want to order
-Details of the work
-Any references and information related to the order
-Paypal Email for invoice
If you're interested, submit your form via twitter DM or email me at [email protected]
I will review your order and accept it, Then I will send you an invoice
If I rejected the order, I will inform you as well
Please directly send the image references to my DM or email instead of using image hosting sites as several image hosting sites are blocked in my countryIf my slots and schedule is full, I will asked you about putting you into the waitlistI will show the sketch first and then the final result
Minor mistakes can be fixed, Details that was not included in the original order will be charged accordingly